Hey Stanton!
I remember when I was starting off writing, I felt like it was pointless because simply no one saw what I was writing. But a few did, after a while, and loved what I had to say. Little by little, I wrote for that *minority* out of a genuine desire to uplift them with the sheer clarity of my mind/voice. Now it feels like my ideas are genuinely able to plant seeds in people's minds - the ones who truly matter in the end, anyways.
I recommend honing your "readability" a bit more to suit the terrible attention spans on Medium - more line breaks, cutting out absolutely ever word that doesn't absolutely need to be there. And then just go for it! If even a single person benefits from your publishing the article, it is worth doing. Remember that intention is far more important than popularity, and will yield the highest results that last far beyond a stats table.
Keeping that in mind is what keeps my writing going, and is the one thing that prevents a "forced" writing voice that leads to burnout.
Let it flow naturally and the bison will come to drink from the wellspring!!